And it is about time too. Finally popular streaming platform Twitch has announced that it is banning certain casinos from being streamed in the casino section.
According to their Tweet posted on the 20th September 2022, casinos such as Stake.com, Rollbit.com, Duelbits.com and Roobet.com will no longer be allowed as a platform to promote gambling activities.
Irresponsible streamers such as the “Twat with the hat”, the Trainwreck person, unclassy Beef et al will now no longer be able to play their $1m fake money deposits, playing at $1,000 spins and doing $50,000 bonus buys like that is the normal thing to do.
Fact is, that this kind of play is not just only unrealistic, it certainly does not compute with any responsible gambling ethics casinos are meant to promote.
The audience these irresponsible streams are aimed at, are the younger audience. An audience that will never be able to afford the kind of play that is being displayed. Those that can indeed afford to play these insane high stakes are not very likely to plonk themselves in front of a screen to watch somebody gambling. I am sure that they have more important things to do!
As for the casinos that sponsor these irresponsible streamers, you are complicit in all of this. You are part of the problem. Will you now change your heart and stop sponsoring these streamers now that they no longer will be able to stream on Twitch? Or will you continue to feed them when they move their streaming activity elsewhere?
Perhaps now the Twitch casino section will get back to how it used to be. Some gamblers streaming their slot play, where £2 spins was considered highrolling.
Time will tell…..
Link to Twitch twitter feed: https://twitter.com/Twitch/status/1572347129192132611