Season Wishes and streaming schedule update

Season WishesThe year is drawing to a close so it is time to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous and very healthy New Year.

In terms of streaming, it is now time to spend some time with the family over the festive days after which work will be calling.

My next stream is therefore not until Tuesday 2nd January 2018 starting at 08:30 UK time. We will be starting the New Year at Videoslots casino with the normal familiar starting point of £300. Let’s see if we can kick start the year with a nice withdrawal!

Remember to either subscribe to my Youtube channel or follow me on Twitch to make sure you don’t miss any of the action as you will get notification that the stream is live, which may be a little earlier than scheduled.

I also recommend that you visit the Casinogrounds website where my schedule is posted too. The site also contains a very active forum where you can see and also upload your own big win pictures and videos!

Until next year (which is around sooner than it sounds!), may the slots be lucky for you!

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