After what turned out to be a very good week in terms of cash outs, we shall try it again next week with just the one stream on Friday 22nd December 2017 commencing at 08:30 in the morning UK time.
The reason for just the one stream is due to a busy work load at work because of the busy Christmas time.
I will be playing at Winning Room Casino with a 100% deposit match bonus of £300. It is a so called parachute bonus, meaning that if we are lucky enough to hit big, the bonus can be cancelled and money withdrawn. In the event that the cash runs out, wagering of £10,500 will commence on the £300 bonus part which is a challenge but certainly not an impossibility.
Viewers of my most recent streams may have noticed that I have also returned playing at the excellent Videoslots Casino after they agreed to have my account reopened. Future streams will therefore definitely see some play time there!
My streams can be viewed on either my Youtube or Twitch channel and I recommend that you subscribe or follow them to make sure that you don’t miss any of the slot action and friendly chat. I am certainly not the biggest of streamers in terms of number of viewers but you can be sure that the viewing numbers displayed are genuine and a small number of viewers enables me to better interact with you.
Until Friday, let the slots be lucky for you and in the event that you are not able to watch the stream, may I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a merry Christmas.